Hello! My name is ; my students call me !

As a science educator in California, I have over 8 years of in teaching (in-person) and tutoring (online) chemistry. I hold a Master's degree in Science Education (San Jose State University) and a Bachelor's degree in Pharmaceutical Chemistry (UC Davis).

I teach a wide range of grade span: from high school chemistry, Honors & AP Chemistry to General Chemistry in college. My teaching approach is designing concepts into bite-size information with mnemonics and analogies so that students learn conceptually and relate to real-world life experience to reduce reliance on memorization.

The aim of Elviate Chemistry is to elevate students' success in chemistry and alleviate their stress and anxiety. We prioritize critical topics such as nomenclature, significant figures, stoichiometry, acids and bases, thermodynamics, and other fundamental concepts, so that students will be equipped with a solid foundation. Cultivating scientific self-efficacy and unlock their full academic potential in advanced chemistry and other science-related courses.

作為加州的科學教育者,我擁有豐富的教學和輔導化學各種主題的經驗;從高中化學,Honors, AP Chemistry 到大學的通用化學 (General Chemistry)。在過去的8年裡,我在線上提供化學輔導, 為高中生和大學生提供作業支援, 實驗報告協助以及期中和期末考試的準備。

我的學術背景包括 M.S. Science Education (San Jose State University), B.S. Pharmaceutical Chemistry (UC Davis)。根據學生需求, 課程將量身定制的練習題, 同時提供記憶法和類比等解決問題的策略, 以減少對純記憶的依賴。

Elviate Chemistry的目標是提升學生在化學,減輕他們的壓力和焦慮。我們優先考慮重要主題, 如: 命名法, 有效數, 化學計算, 酸和鹼, 熱力學以及其他基本概念...培養學生建立堅實的基礎, 以應對高級化學和其他與科學相關的課程。

Ms. Chen